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                                                                                                        November 3, 2008

                                                                    Dr. Tiffany B. Twain, a Concerned American

                                            (The original Personal Plea of Nov. 4, 2006 is appended below)

A Personal Plea for Voter Sanity

My fellow Americans,

President Abraham Lincoln said in his famous Gettysburg Address that our Founding Fathers “brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”  Our visionary forefathers had committed the United States to principles of democratic fairness, unalienable citizens’ rights, limited government intrusiveness, fair representation of the people, strong checks and balances in government to protect against the tyranny of federal authority, and an overriding concern for the general welfare and the public good.

The primary evolution of our society and government over the past 200 years has been PROGRESSIVE.  Voting rights have expanded from white males to blacks (1870), and then to women (1920), and then to young people between the ages of 18 and 21 (1971).  Similarly, a progressive expansion of rights has taken place in many other arenas including educational opportunity, workers’ rights, social security, civil rights, and protections of public health, consumer safety and the environment.

In the past 8 years, however, right-wing conservatives have gained control of our government and worked ruthlessly to reverse these progressive trends.  They have hijacked the GOP so that it can scarcely be called the ‘Grand Old Party’ any more.  They have advanced a seriously and cynically retrogressive agenda by exploiting religious fundamentalism and capitalizing on anger and fear in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Under Republican rule, policies have been enacted that make the rich richer and eroded the fortunes of the middle class and the working class and the poor.  The number of people living in poverty has increased, health insurance has gotten less affordable, and education and housing and food and energy have become significantly more expensive.  Worker and consumer protections have been weakened.  The rights and freedoms of the American people have been reduced.  Deregulation has put workers and retirees and investors at greater risk.  Resources have been misallocated.  Bloody ‘preemptive’ wars have been launched on Iraq and Afghanistan.  Reason and scientific knowledge have been assaulted in favor of ideological dogmas and blind faith.  And the environment has been ruthlessly and unsustainably exploited.  These outcomes are the result of shortsighted and cold-hearted mercenary doctrines and abuses of power, NOT compassionate fairness or intelligent foresight.

The Republican Party has divided Americans using hot-button social issues.  They have misled us, stoked our insecurities and manipulated social conservatives and the religious right into supporting their narrow agendas.  They have pandered to special privilege and corrupt corporatism.  They have instituted cronyism and less-regulated capitalism.  They have stoked narrow partisanship and harsh anti-progressivism and ruthless aggression in foreign policies.  They have done this to enrich themselves and greedy interests at the public’s expense.  And they have stubbornly refused to admit mistakes, or to allow sensible oversight, or to be held accountable for their actions.    

Abuses of power and privilege have transformed the GOP into a party that principally represents unfairness, inequality, misguided priorities, inflexible ideology, deceitful spin, unethical profiteering, aggressive militarism, exploitive opportunism, intrusive Big Brother government, profligate consumerism, fiscally irresponsible borrow-and-spend expediencies, patriarchal domination, intolerant religious fundamentalism, and ecological shortsightedness.  YIKES!!!  We must reject this GOP and send them back to do some soul searching to find true common good goals and not just fake populism and deceptive manipulation.

The national elections of November 4, 2008 must become a watershed event in world history, one in which we Americans choose progress, fair representation, honesty, unity, hope, and Golden Rule democratic ideals.  Let us soundly reject the domination of our Executive offices by the Republican Party and embark on a new course that embraces common good progressivism, sustainable initiatives, expanded fairness, clean elections, ecological vision, and positive incentives for saner behaviors. 

The GOP has betrayed the public's trust and largely abandoned honesty, fairness, good governance, intelligent far-sightedness, balanced budgets, ethical sensibility, healthy community, international diplomacy, peaceful coexistence, and the interests of the common good.  They have embraced an ideology that holds that the best way to achieve prosperity is to stimulate inequalities and reduce the organizing influence of workers.  They act as if peace can be best achieved NOT by using diplomacy and increasing social justice, but rather by using aggression, militarism, shock and awe bombing, troop surges, hard-nosed intolerance, vindictive retribution, oppression, harsh prisoner interrogations, and authoritarian domestic and foreign policies that are severely exploitive, nationalistic and supremacist.

Once we reject Republican dominance, we must demand revolutionary reform of BOTH parties, because the fact of the matter is that politicians in both political parties are corrupted by Big Money and short-term oriented goals.  This is how our system works;  and this is why we need far-reaching reforms.  We must alter our economic and political systems to mitigate influence peddling, and to make our economy and democracy fairer and more just, more honest, more intelligently focused, less militaristic and more sustainable.  And we must once and for all make sure that there is a strong separation of Church and State, so that reactionary religious fundamentalism does not impose its anti-democratic, conflict-engendering, terrorist emboldening, free-choice eliminating, retrogressive dogmas upon the American citizenry.

We must begin to pay-as-we-go, and even pay forward some good deeds by investing in communities and infrastructure and well-being, rather than giving rich people tax breaks and pandering to socially irresponsible corporate demands.  We must begin to consume sustainably.  We must encourage a new energy regime to replace the desperate drilling for oil and the mountaintop removal coal mining for dirty fossil fuels that are costing us so dearly in financial, geopolitical and ecological terms.  And we must boldly begin to respect the best interests of the general welfare and future generations, not merely the interests of power-obsessed and money-driven elites in the short-term.

These are just a few of the ideas that we need to think about to create healthier communities, fairer institutions, and more sane societies --- and to generally ensure a better destiny for our descendants.  The Earth Manifesto at www.EarthManifesto.com contains an extensive and detailed list of such visionary initiatives;  see “PART III. Overarching Considerations --- Transformational Ideas and Wonkish Enlightenment.” 

This section of the Earth Manifesto contains two vitally important documents that could serve as an essential social, economic, ecological and political platform for our species.  The first is the “One Dozen Big Initiatives to Positively Transform Our Societies” and the “Progressive Agenda for a More Sane Humanity”. 

Please be sure to vote on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 --- and to vote for progressive values and progressive candidates.  Barack Obama is by far the best choice!

Thanks for your consideration.


          Tiffany B. Twain, Doctor of Philosophy                                                                                    




        November 4, 2006

              A Personal Plea for Voter Sanity


My fellow Americans,

Abraham Lincoln said in his famous Gettysburg Address that our Founding Fathers “brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”  Our visionary forefathers committed the United States to principles of democratic fairness, unalienable citizens’ rights, limited government intrusiveness, fair representation of the people, governmental “checks and balances” to protect against federal authoritarian tyranny, and an overriding concern for the general welfare and the public good.

The primary evolution of our society and government over the past 200 years has been PROGRESSIVE.  Voting rights have expanded from white males to blacks, and then to women, and then to young people between the ages of 18 and 21.  Similarly, a progressive expansion has taken place in many arenas, including educational opportunity, workers’ rights, social security, civil rights, and protections of public health, consumer safety and the environment.

But in the past 5 years, right-wing conservatives have gained control of our government and worked ruthlessly to reverse these progressive trends.  They have hijacked the GOP so that it can scarcely be called the ‘Grand Old Party’ any more.  They have advanced a seriously and cynically retrogressive agenda by capitalizing on anger and fear in the wake of the terrible attacks of 9/11/01.

Under Republican rule, the rich have gotten richer, the fortunes of the middle class have diminished, the number of people living in poverty has increased, health insurance has gotten less affordable, education and housing have become significantly more expensive, worker and consumer protections have been reduced, the rights and freedoms of Americans have been eroded, resources have been misallocated, bloody ‘preemptive’ wars have been launched on Iraq and Afghanistan, reason and scientific knowledge have been assaulted in favor of ideological dogmas and blind faith, and the environment has been exploited unsustainably.  These outcomes are the result of shortsighted and cold-hearted mercenary doctrines, NOT compassionate fairness.

The Republican Party has divided Americans using hot-button social issues.  They have misled us, stoked our insecurities and manipulated social conservatives and the religious right into supporting their narrow agendas.  They have pandered to special privilege, corrupt corporatism, cronyism, less regulated capitalism, narrow partisanship, harsh anti-progressivism, and ruthless aggression in foreign policies.  They have done this to enrich themselves and greedy interests at the public’s expense.  And they have stubbornly refused to admit mistakes, allow sensible oversight, or be held accountable for their actions.    

Abuses of power and privilege have transformed the GOP into a party that principally represents unfairness, inequality, misguided priorities, inflexible ideology, deceitful spin, unethical profiteering, aggressive militarism, exploitive opportunism, intrusive Big Brother government, profligate consumerism, fiscally irresponsible borrow-and-spend fiscal expediencies, patriarchal domination, intolerant religious fundamentalism, and ecological shortsightedness.  YIKES!!!

The GOP has betrayed the public's trust and largely abandoned honesty, fairness, good government, intelligent far-sightedness, balanced budgets, ethical sensibility, healthy community, international diplomacy, peaceful coexistence, and the interests of the common good.  They have embraced an ideology that holds that the best means to achieve prosperity is to stimulate inequalities and repress workers.  They act as if peace can best be achieved NOT by using diplomacy and increasing social justice, but rather by using aggression, militarism, shock and awe bombing, troop surges, hard-nosed intolerance, vindictive retribution, oppression, prisoner torture, authoritarianism and foreign policies that are severely exploitive, nationalistic and supremacist.

The national elections of November 7th, 2006 could be a watershed event in world history.  If we Americans choose to reject the domination of Congress by the Republican Party, we could embark on a new course that embraces common good progressivism, sustainable initiatives, Golden Rule fairness, clean elections, and positive incentives for saner behaviors. 

Once we re-establish a balanced two-party system by rejecting Republican dominance, we must demand revolutionary reform of BOTH parties, because the fact of the matter is that politicians in both political parties are corrupted by Big Money and short-term oriented goals. 

We must alter our economic and political systems to mitigate influence peddling, and to make our economy and democracy fairer, more just, more honest, more intelligently focused, less militaristic and more sustainable.

We must begin to pay-as-we-go, and even pay forward some good deeds by investing in communities and infrastructure and well-being, rather than giving rich people tax breaks and pandering to socially irresponsible corporate demands.  We must begin to consume sustainably.  And we must boldly begin to respect the best interests of the general welfare and future generations, not merely the interests of power-obsessed elites in the short-term.

Please be sure to vote on Tuesday, November 7th, 2006 --- and to vote for progressive values and progressive candidates.

Thanks for your consideration.

      Dr. Tiffany B. Twain, a Concerned American

        November 4, 2006